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Lazy Girl’s Guide to Spring Cleaning

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I have a confession to make: I really love spring cleaning. This might sound crazy, but I like the smell of a freshly cleaned home, the essential oils in my cleaner, and the fresh scents of spring throughout my house. If you’re not feeling up to spring cleaning this year, I get it! Things get busy, and you can probably think of 100 things you’d instead be doing than deep cleaning your home. This is why I put together the lazy girl’s guide to spring cleaning to help you deep clean your house, the lazy way.

Lazy Girl's Guide to Spring Cleaning


Step 1: Open the windows

If it’s not too cold where you are, start by opening the windows, this will help freshen the air in your home and help you get started! The fresh breeze will help get a little spring air into your spring cleaning.


Step 2: Gather all your supplies

If you don’t have the supplies you need, head out to the store and get them. You’ll find significant savings on all the cleaners you need this time of year, so stock up if you can. If you start cleaning only to realize you don’t have what you need, you’ll get distracted and lose track of what you were doing. Make sure to have all your supplies before you start cleaning.


Step 3: Clean in short bursts

If you are a lazy cleaner, deep cleaning jobs that take hours is not in the cards. It’s okay! Instead of spending hours cleaning your home, break it up into 10-15 minute cleaning bursts throughout the day. Challenge yourself to do one burst each hour, or even just two times a day if that’s all you have time for. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in fifteen minutes.


Step 4: Get a checklist

It’s easy to tell yourself you’ll start at one end of your home and move to the other, but I guarantee you’ll end up missing a lot of the deep cleaning by doing this. Instead, find a checklist online and follow it to help you stay on top of the tasks. You can do it all in one day if you’re feeling motivated, but don’t be afraid to spread it out over the course of a week or even a month.


Step 5: Make it fun

Spring cleaning can be tedious for those of you who don’t like to clean. Whenever I’m having trouble getting motivated, I plan and audiobook, listen to a podcast or turn up the music. Having something to keep my mind busy can make cleaning fun. Choose something to listen to and only listen to it while you’re spring cleaning. This will keep you motivated to clean even when you don’t want to.


Deep cleaning your home in the spring doesn’t have to take much work or effort. These tips will help any lazy person get their home clean this spring with no trouble. Spring cleaning may not be for everyone, but this can help you get it done.

I’ve included this checklist, so your spring cleaning doesn’t have to be dreaded. Do a little each day and it’s a breeze!

Lazy Girl's Guide to Spring Cleaning - make it fun and get it done!

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