HomeOutdoor LivingWireless Home Security Camera

Wireless Home Security Camera

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We just added a wireless home security camera.

I love being able to view what’s going on outside our home, whether I’m there or away. Installing the Panasonic HomeHawk home monitoring system was so simple. It comes with one front door HD camera and a wireless access point that we placed next to our router inside. Are you looking for a WIRELESS Security Camera? Thanks to Panasonic for partnering with me on this project and providing a HomeHawk Panasonic for one of my readers (see details below).

Front door HomeHawk security camera - Wireless Home Security Camera

We positioned the camera so that it shows approaching vehicles on the driveway and front door guest, this is a live view from our front door. The wide angle view is so impressive, I get an alert when a vehicle approaches and a great shot of happenings on the porch from the home surveillance camera.Front entrance view of camera - wireless monitoring for outside

You can set up each camera to record, I set the front door to record for 25 seconds.

Front door recording with HomeHawk camera

I am very satisfied with the features of these security cameras:

  • Color recording, even at night!
  • High-definition, weather resistant cameras perfect for outdoor and indoor use
  • Wide-angle view up to 172 degrees
  • Built-in, long-life rechargeable battery
  • 100% wire-free
  • Exclusive package monitoring mode
  • Sync up to 15 additional cameras for more home monitoring
  • Google Home and Amazon Echo compatible

We’ve had the system in place for 3 weeks and the batteries are still showing fully charged. This is a shot from my phone, if you click on the live area you can zoom in where ever you like. This is our side gate and the door to our cottage, that’s Barry exiting.

Side entrance view of home monitoring system

The security camera is truly wireless making it easy to install almost anywhere. We have a two car garage on the other side of the cottage where my Mama lives, the camera over there monitors the garage, my office and a gate that goes in to the back yard. I set it up to record for a few seconds, it’s not a busy area like the front door. Below you can see where I zoomed in on Barry in the golf cart. At the bottom of the photo, notice that you can take a photo and press the microphone symbol to talk to your visitor. I love that microphone feature.

Garage office camera - Wireless Home Security Camera

The system allows connecting 15  security cameras, we have 4 and that’s perfect for our home. I haven’t had any problems with packages being stolen or unwanted quest around the property. I love the addition of this monitoring system so I can keep an eye on everything. I was out of town last weekend and my phone dinged each time there was activity. On Saturday, I got a notice and it was my sister, I was able to communicate with her via the two way talking feature, I was 4 hours away.

For more information:

Visit Panasonic.com; follow Panasonic HomeHawk™ on Instagram
homehawk_by_panasonic; follow Panasonic HomeHawk™
on Facebook 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Panasonic HomeHawk security camera wireless

You can find the HomeHawk security camera via Amazon affiliate link:

    40 thoughts on “Wireless Home Security Camera”

    1. yes i do want to win so bad with my house being burgalized a time it would be a feeling of aaahhh i feel safe seems like a good camera

    2. I love it. Great range and very clear photos. My husband is disabled and this give me a better sense of security. Please choose me!

    3. would love this! Been looking into this type of product, since my daughters ex broke into her home and terrified she and her son. This would give her peace of mind
      Thanks for the informative website and the opportunity to enter!

    4. I woild love this. A few months ago someone came right up to our porch and stole my son’s birthday gift and mine, that had been delivered by Amazon.

    5. Thanks so much for sharing! Looks easy to install, lots of features and provides peace of mind which is priceless! Thanks again.

    6. My husband has been talking about getting a security system for ages. I’m glad to see your review of this product, it looks like exactly what he’s been talking about wanting.

    7. What a awesome camera! I didn’t realize the HomeHawk Panasonic camera had such a wide range view.

      We’ve been looking at camera’s. Now I’m hoping I win this fabulous giveaway!

    8. This is absoluately a product I am going to check out. We need one at our dock to keep thieves from messing with our boat stuff, one at the door so if the boogie man comes when I’m home alone they know who kidnapped me, and one at our building in town that was just vandlized last weekend.

    9. Would love this! Ranch house on a corner lot in an area with lots of foot traffic and even though I’ll deny it…I’m not getting any younger! Wireless makes it perfect for our existing home and multiple camera synching is a nice feature!

    10. I think the biggest use we would get out of this is peace of mind from “porch pirates”. We are never home during the day, so being able to keep an eye out from afar is great.


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