Farmhouse Cottage Kitchen – Summer

Summer blooms of hydrangeas and peonies add a fresh look to any space

Design Co. / The Wicker House / A Burst of Beautiful / Paint Me Pink / Town and Country Living  Thursday At Charlotte’s House / Just a Girl and Her Blog / House 214 Design / Robb Restyle  Friday  My Fabuless Life / The Turquoise Home / Erin…

Pink Flamingos

Dress up cheap flip flops with iron on vinyl

…cheap pair in sea foam green from Wal-mart, I think I paid $.98 for them. Can’t beat that price!!! Then I decided on a simple Flamingo design to cut using…

Ribbon Platter – Easter

Carrot on a ribbon platter

…Ribbon Platter – Easter Supplies: Black Vinyl Transfer Tape Platter Ribbon Weeding Tool/ Scraper/Scissors Step 1 Choose design, load cut file. Step 2 Use your vinyl cutting machine to cut…

How to Use Acrylic Paint on Wood

…important because it seals the wood and provides a smooth, even base for your acrylics. To choose the right primer, look for one specifically designed for use with acrylic paints…

Best Pocket Hole Jig

…pro version: Kreg Pocket-Hole Jig 720PRO Solid Design First off, the Kreg jig is made of sturdy material, which is important because it can handle any wood thickness. You don’t…

Savannah on my mind!

You can find me at the Southern Women’s Show~Savannah.   (photo via) Jamie Kennedy, Social Media Director of 02 Media, Inc. the producers of The Balancing Act and Designing Spaces…

Handmade by {Hilani}

…hit the drawing board and sketch out a design, with the plan to create one (at some point). Below you’ll find a product I designed, in summer of 2011. It…

How to Spray Paint Hardware

…paint for cabinet hardware? The best paint for cabinet hardware is typically an enamel spray paint designed for use on metal surfaces. Enamel spray paints provide a durable and long-lasting…