Ideas for Raised Garden Beds

…It’s from Home Depot Square Raised Garden Beds Square raised garden beds are similar to rectangular beds, but they offer a more compact design. They are great for small spaces…

Ornament Tree


This post is sponsored by HomeDepot. Everyone was so excited about the Holiday Ornament Tree last week when I announced the Home Depot DIH workshop, did you sign up?? I…

Outdoor Kitchen Build

Dining area on the Farmhouse porch at Refresh Restyle

…painted. The space under the cabinet is used to hold TV components. The tile is from Home Depot: Marazzi Trevi 12 x 12 porcelain tile (used on outdoor kitchen countertop)….

Best Glue Gun for Crafting

…Why is the Ryobi ONE+ glue gun the best glue gun for crafting? Well, let me share my experience. Photo Credit: Home Depot Best Glue Gun for Crafting The Ryobi…

Garage Organization Ideas

Garage storage with FastTrack

…week, while I was at Home Depot selecting the pieces for our FastTrack system, I really thought about what we’d be storing on this wall. We’re on the right track,…

Garage Organization Tips

Organizing the Garage, tips from an unorganized woman

…on top of other stuff. All of this is usually at ground level, horizontal and that makes junk look even more unorganized. Which required a trip to Home Depot. Everything…